Lars Christopherson of Arctander township, who had the distinction of being the oldest resident of Kandiyohi County, and whose sickness was mentioned in last week's issue of this paper, passed away Sunday morning, after being confined to his bed for just one week. The cause of his death was old age.
Deceased was born in Nannestad, Norway, Nov. 23, 1827. He grew to manhood and was married while still a resident of Norway. Being of a studious nature he acquired an education and was graduated from a university. He then followed the occupation of teaching for a period of 32 years, being thus engaged in both Norway and the United States. In 1868 he came to this country with his family and took a homestead in the township of Arctander, which place has ever since been his home.
Seven children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Chistopherson, three of whom are living, namely, Carrie (Mrs. Nels Abrahamson) of Willmar; Christina (Mrs. Edward Evenson) of Norway Lake, and Lewis Christopherson of New London. Two children died many years ago, and two sons in more recent years, namely Olai and August. The latter left a family of seven children, namely three sons, Otto of Arctander, Julius of Minneapolis, and Eddie of Philadelphia; and four daughters, Anphia (Mrs. E. Myrhe), Cornelia, Millie and Helen. There are also several other grandchildren and great grandchildren. His wife passed away 39 years ago.
Mr. Christopherson was one of the real students of his day. He was not only a student of secular knowledge, but was also a student of the Bible. In Norway he was confirmed into the Lutheran church, but after he came to this country he became affiliated with the Mission church and finally with the Church of God. He was a writer of considerable ability and after his arrival here he contributed regularly for a number of years to religious Norwegian papers in Chicago.
Naturally he was a man of prominence in the community where he resided. He had a wonderful constitution and previous to the few days' illness just preceding his death, he had never experienced sickness at all. Ninety eight years of perfect health is truly a wonderful record.
The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon of this week, conducted by Rev. Tubbs of Grand Forks, N. Dak., pastor of the Church of God at that place. A service was held at the home, and then at the Lunby church in Mamre, where the last rites were performed, and the remains interred in the adjoining cemetery, by the side of his wife, who had passed on long before. The pall bearers were Edward Evenson, John Evenson, Nels Abrahamson, Ole Hjelle, Gabriel Stene, and Lewis Christopherson. The funeral was largely attended. Among those present from New London were Lewis Christopherson, Mrs. Arne Larson, Mrs. Ole Strand, Mrs Elmer Anderson, and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Christopherson.